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TabexES 5/15/2024 4:27:31 AM
The San Isidro Fair begins
New bullfighting season in Madrid
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Tags Bulls Bullfighting Las Ventas Madrid

The fair that starts today (and ends on June 9) does so with the expectation of massive attendance (700,000 spectators). Filling is guaranteed on 18 of the 30 consecutive evenings of the subscription. And it is not a peculiarity of Madrid in the “world bullfighting” event, but rather a virtuous inertia that has been identified in the large fairs of the season - Valencia, Seville - and in the small squares. There is no afternoon respite in this job. This sublime art cannot be paid for without blood. Those who look at this world from afar thinking that its essence is limited to mistreating a brave bull for no reason will never understand the essence of our life. Despite all the controversies, the art of bullfighting continues to be one of the most peculiar cultural characteristics of Madrid, impossible to see in any other country. Over the next few weeks, the programming of different festivities will continue and if you do not want to miss the opportunity to attend a bullfighting event in Madrid, look for your ticket from a trusted entity at the best possible price and with all the guarantees.


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